Monday, March 30, 2009

lone ranger went to Earth Hour 2009


So jz nak share with the momento of earth hour.spending weekend in utp masa cuti midsem is not good idea.then since the earth hour event is coming.i bought the tren tiket and went to kl.alone.yihaaa!!

jln sorg2 kt KL tuh,mcm pelancong plak.exploring new city.hee..teringat plak kt dubai.kalo nak tahu what i was doing in dubai,tgk kat archive tuh under dubai post.k la.what is earth hour,i posted it already this one jz pica at the main earth hour event at capsquare,kl.katne tuh, korg google or gps la sendiri.aku pon merayau gak nak mencari.hee..enjoy da pica~

Top 8 OIAM....jgn jeles alin.aku jumpa aweera~
sbb aku smpi lmbt, xdpt nak beli baju earth hour.haih~
in conjuction with KL design week.kat situ gak.menarikkn.guna kertas je tuh.
terjumpa plak mamat ni....
kids,the future the earth for their future life
cameramen & camerawomen in action
siapkn 60 using candles
walk of hope.send the messages to the world
host of the event.joey g
ramainya orang...
walk of hope with KLCC background
diorang posing lagi.jgn marah ye alin~
before 8.30pm
after 8.30pm
spot the different
malaysian prouds~
save the earth for better life
after earth hour event.jac......and i got front row.hee...

k la.will bz with all stuff with all the final sem things.will update if got time.and wish me luck for shell interview this coming monday-6/4.have a happy life everyday!!

salam sang kelana d-_-b

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour 2009


Hari ini akan berlaku acara terbesar dalam sejarah dunia,dimana banyak bandar2 di dunia ini akan mengambil serta dalam acara yang bermula di Sydney 2007 iaitu Earth Hour.

so what earth hour is all about??



This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming.

For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.

This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard.

Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.

In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.

We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.

VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour.

so dont forget to switch off your light tonite!!!
salam sang kelana d-_-b

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my 1st tag

assalamualaikum last..aku menjawab soalan dr org2 yg tag aku.aku pon xtau kenapa.most of blog kwn2 aku yg aku baca,sume tgh buat tag ni.dan nama aku adalah salah satu dlm lsit org kena aku jawabla juga...

1. The age of my next birthday = 23

coming this april....

2. The place I would like to travel to = all around the world

nak pegi sume tempat yg best kt dunia ni...

3. The favorite place = my bedroom

bestnya dapat chill kt bilik sendiri....

4. The favorite food = masakan ibu tercinta

no one can challenge it...

5. The nickname I had = cj a.k.a carrie junior

nak tahu kenapa..kenala cek kt post ni...

6. The favorite colour = red, red and red

my dream car too....

7. The city I live in (For now) = kuala terengganu

KT new landmark...

8. The city I was born in = petaling jaya

lahir kat hospital assunta

9. College major = Chemical Engineering (Petroleum Engineering)

looking forward...dah nak habis belajar dah...

10. Bad habit = last minute work

bkn last-minute je yg aku jumpa..

11. Hobby = taking pictures

my passion....

12. Wishlist = iPhone & psp

waaaa...sapa2 nak tolong belikan....dah lama ngidam

so..sesapa yg tgh buhsan n xde nk watpe..jawab n postla kat blog kamu tu yerr...

sang kelana d-_-b

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

late post....


patutnya post ni dibuat lama,tapi sibuk ngan fydp presentation, operation management test, corrosion test and kelembapan internet UTP,so bau skang dapat post.huhu..pernah x masa kecik2 korang main baling selipar @ tuju selipar or wateva name yg korg guna tapi yang pasti menggunakan selipar untuk baling kat orang(dengan muka yang puas).so kengkawan aku ni kononnya pioneer la kt utp ni dgn game baling aritu aku turun la jugak join.yela..saje nak merasa.dah final sem even they said,ayin will bring bad omen to da group she join,i don care coz i'm not in da same group and therefore we like biasa gigam!!

memanaskan badan dgn camera whoring~
melompat lebih tinggi....
landing dengan selamatnya...
after game pic...nice kan?
akademi baling selipar...menuju puncak!!
ni pelajar pompuan plak...gaya apa ntah...
cantiknya rainbow kat blakang tuh...
rum8 'mencuri' handphone ku...
pelajar2 akademi baling selipar nak balik dah...
sibuk nak posing gak...

pastu...last two wknd..on 14 march after OM test..kitorg p ipoh.kononnya nk wat surprise kt rum8 ku.his birthday on 15march.haha..dah tua rupanya rum8 ku ni...plan cam kelam kabut skit..sbb nak hold masa tunggu ijat ntah cmne..en faid xsyak pape happy birthday rum8...

rasa2 korangla,kitorang makan ktne??
cerah tol gambar ni...
on double date kah??
aku xtaula dia ni date ngan sapa...
muka terharu...
dah 23 yerr....
manyaknya hadiah dia...
yang meraikan....
lawa plak belon2 ni...
tahap camera whore rum8,tgh on the phone tuh...

okla...actually i'm back in utp...the craziness of final year final semester life.back in uni in the middle of mid sem do list: fyp experiment,fyp progress report, fydp group report,drilling assignment,malaysian studies project, operation management project, lab corrosion, fydp individual report,drilling test, fyp presentation (pre-edx) and the list goes on.......waaaa....

salam sang kelana d-_-b