haih...what a long time dat i dont come to blogsphere.for your record.bulan oktober 2post aje and it become worst no post on november.hik2.nak wat camne.student life is my priority.so busy with final year project, final year design project, test and so many assignment.mmg nak update.tapi ada satu lagi main factor yg buat ku kemlasan tahap gaban untuk update any new thing.internet UTP yg lembap cam siput BABI.internet connection become more worst and make me give up to use the internet.haih...enough with that.so can i update wit what i've been thru this last almost 2month without update?
update ngan pic jela.mls nak tulis pnjg2.lagipon mls nk ingt blk sume event.bnyk sngt.my life is so colorful~
we start with open house apy(punya lama daa~nak raya haji dah.=P)
next is azuan and azlan besday.osmet sem ni~
new hobby~! main layang2 kat tepi tasik UTP.
my passion on photography still there even busy with student life
sky view from my room
huhu.nk cerita.bnyk sngt.so kita wat summary je la.
1. adik aku dah belayar ngan MISC as chef.naik kapal sri bijaksana.destinasi malubai-singapore-korea. dah kat sebulan dah.
2.bau habis exam.what a relief.one more sem to go.takutnya~
3.got play this 13/14 disember. more info at this link

4. next week raya haji, so i'll be at kl and melaka
5. pastu maybe p singapore.cuti2 with family~
6.apa lagi ek??tinggal sebulan g nak 2009,dah tercapai ke azam korg tahun ni?
7. dan kurang sebulan g this blog will celebrate its 1st year annivessary...
tuh jela.nanti ku update g.yela.cuti2 ni.selain duk umah time hujan2,surf net je la.and main PC game.=P
salam sang kelana d-_-b
terbersin aku baca post .. sgt berhabok .. hehe ~
budak semangat main layang-layang petang-petang hahaha :P
aaanyways, happy holiday. enjoi holiday ni puas puas sebab semester depan nak struggle fydp 2 hahak
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