Having a very long weekend and can be said long holiday for this coming weekend.coz first ahad ni,hari keputeraan sultan perak,and automatically hari isnin pon cutila.and selasa anda rabu plak since kt UTP ni every semester got Engineering Design Exhibition (EDX) to appreciating the projects that student work for a semester @ a year maka kebiasaannya xde kelas.so aku telah mengisytiharkan cuti pada hari selasa n rabu tuh.yela lagipon selasa tuh 1st day,so lecturer mmg slalu bz kt edx tuhla.n rabu plak aku mmg xde kls so mmg xrisau pon.
got few plan in the head.1st.ikut kawan2 aku balik kl.tp yg masalhnya nak watpe kt kl.xde idea nak watpe kt sana.xde event yg best.kalo balik pon,i'll end up jalan2 sorg2 kt mid valley or duduk kt umah nenek aku tgk tv @ layan kerenah anak kezen aku.so..cam boorrriinggg..

2nd plan plak cam interesting tapi camne nak execute tuh yg aku xtau.My beloved ibu kt cameron this weekend for a bengkel.so i was thinking to join her.but then 1st problem how i'm going to get there??2nd,if i manage to go there, what i'm going to do since i need transport to go around which i dont think my mum bring her car there.hmm....
3rd plan..since weekend ni ada sports carnival kt utp ni.so i jz planning to watch squash games.interesting sbb ble tgk orang2 terel bermain and orang yang perasan ble main.cewah..cam bagus je aku main.haha...so its simple yet people dont have enthusiast like me.u know..event in university,bkn sng nk attract org.

4th plan,unplanned road trip.take a bus@ train and going sumwhere.dah nama unplanned trip,so xtau nak ke mana lagi.hee..any suggestion anyone??
and the 5th plan,ajim yg encem telah ajak aku p OBW-old boy weekend.katne?kuala kangsar la.dah nama budak koleq.aku mmg xpernah pergila since left koleq.hee...tapi tuhla.kalo pergi i dont have any plan what i'm going to do there?hmm...will think about it..
buatla plan banyak mana pon,end up with 2more projects coming to submit next wednesday and friday.haih~...one of my friend said..last minute keje lagi..nak wat cmne..bad habit..hee..and summore i got Petronas Structural Interview briefing next monday and interview on the wednesday.so...will see bout the plan.
people dont plan to fail, but they fail to plan

salam sang kelana d-_-b
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