like what da title said,its 2weeks cover post.punyala malas nk update.hee..lgpon net kat utp ni mmg lembab cam siput BABI.haih...
papepon umurku sudah bertambah setahun lagi.welcome to 23 wish for the new age are to be a better man and to get a job.haish..again,wrong timing for its a big thing if u got a job now.hahaha...
manyak event yg berlaku,n i dont know where to start.sapa suh lmbt2 update.tuhla.yg pasti i love my friends.even i said i dont want any celebration for my birthday,they still did it.that which i found i'm very proud to have my friends.sume cam bising,awat xnak pape for my special day.yela,time bday org len,kecoh nk wat party,time dia xnk reason are xnak kaco korg yg bz(yela..sume dh final sem..projek,ecemen,test,fyp n fydp.aku pon cam korg gak.memahami sangat~) and xnak korg membazir too much money.yela..dah hujung bulan.masing2 dh xde don want to force anyone to use their last money for my birthday.kang ada yg mkn megi je start 20th april ada je friends birthday.for this house,me and johan.happy birthday sapa2 yg sambut birthday bulan ni and bulan lepas
too many work for last 2weeks before the study week.thanks to my bad habit(refer to the my first tag).haha,,nak wat cmne.susah tol nk ubah.keje mmg blambak2.asyik tido 3-4 pagi siapkn keje sbb nk kejar due date.haih.n adela skip kelas 2-3.hee..good boy gone bad.
and dah jadi karok addicted.demit~ni diorg punya pasal la ni.dlm masa 2weeks 4kali dah pergi karaoke.haih..duet pon dh manyak habis.(T_T)waaa...flow like water.i'm so a big spender.tu lom masuk makan2 lagi.x hengat punya...kfc la.secret recipe la.sushi king la.aigoo...konpem bising parent aku nnti.hahaha...
fyi,tgh study week.n tghari kang ada test corrosion.apa kejadahnya ntah wat test time study okla.force aku untuk study.kalo tak asyik men game spore n poya2 je.setiap perkara yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya,betul x?
counting down before graduating.every night before tido,always said..dah nak habis dah aku ni.cmnela nnti.rindu tol aku ngan kawan2 aku nnti.diorg ingt x aku lg.sedih plak nk berpisah ngan korg.kadang2 tuh xnak pk sngt coz make me want to cry.4years in utp.too many memories.laugh and tears that we share make me always thanks to Him that i have such lovely friend.nipon dah bergenang air mata...huhu...korg jgn lupa aku ek...
my post without pica mmg enjoy da pica~

k la.nipon kjp g nk kuar.gila tol.nk hntr firot to train station but b4 that nk pekena dughian.drooling..haha...pastu cepat2 blk coz ada test kol 2.wish me luck everyone.haha..what crazy thing you do lately??(ayat girl next door mubee)
salam sang kelana d-_-b
1st: aku mmg amat perasan persamaan gamba yg ada.. cam whore btol rumet ko!! haha~
2nd:ish, sape la shweet sgt tu!! ahaha~
3rd: byknye ko mkn sushi..ish3.. x sgka btol! ihik~
4th:sape la x pasal2 kene spotted tu.. =p
5th: gewld lak test!! jgn jiwang corrosion lak..haha~
-banyak point lak aku nk comment.. =p -
mcm biase la-faid kan!ber cam whore no 1.haha!
bini payung laki.wiwit~hahah..
mmg best gile karok k!haha~
mmg addicted gile da..kene pg lg sblum hbs.yeahh~
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