at last~after struggling settle all the stuff to enter new semester since left the university for 8months which literally cam dah lupa what kind of kelas or which building need to go.haha.. xhengat punya..enjoying my internship moment maa...
for last 48 hours ku macam nak mampus berusaha untuk menyiapkan final report for internship program which the due date is this friday.pastu dah siap kena wat hard bound plak which will take few days.mmg kamikaze btolla..haha..they said last minit work will prouces better job,really??huhu
cek kat google reader,my god!! 52 post dat i miss...huhu betapa dah lama ku x tinggalkan blogsphere sowi, kepada other friend that i can't catch up with your blog.i will find a free time where i can read and leave a comment in your blog.ok??and for tetamu sang kelana yang selalu singgah, xkisahla jz nak lalu ke,usha update ke or so whatever.ku mahu mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana bagi sokongan kat blog ini walaupon blog ini hanya sekadar di jalanan - tidaklah sehebat blog2 len yg selalu update and with all kind of updated feature.sang kelana cuba meng-update blog ini dua kali seminggu sekurang2nya untuk tatapan tetamu kelana.tapi bak kata orang, kita hanya merancang, Allah yang menentukan.but teruskan membaca ok?? =)
last week, my family yang suka berjalan membuktikan kitorang memang gila berjalan. petang khamis lalu, kitorang bertolak dari terengganu menuju ke ipoh, melalu kuala krai dan cek in hotel at 1.30am!!the following morning we went to kampung batu gajah where one of my father friends dusun is.huhu2..its musim durian everyone!!kitorang redah dusun with jeans and sandal only.of coursela pakai baju,which t-shirt dat is so not suitable in mum worse,wearing white jeans~nice experience which i do not know when is the next time will come.ntah2,dusun pon dh xde kot..huhu..after having king of fruits, dashed to UTP since we afraid that he office will close for lunch break. thank god,this is the first time my room register process is smooth.hu2.
after memunggah segala barang2 ku ke bilik yang berada di puncak atas sekali, we head to bukit merah for cuti2 malaysia.hehe..having a nice time there which sang kelana gave 3.5 out of 5.xtaula kenapa,the facilities is good but sambutan orang ramai cam kureng je..maybe located far away from people kot...later..i back in final year which is today is the first day of my final year.ngom san said, senior year already.hahahah..dah tua kan..
k la,here is some of the pics that sang kelana took for last few days...

p/s:sowila guna bahasa rojak,since balik intern ni...hehehe...
salam sang kelana d--b
mauuuu durian!
jom dusuuunn!
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