heee...struggling untuk membuka mata di kala pagi hari.yela..nanti kalo tulis malam2,internet lembab macam siput BABI.so,terpaksala update lepas subuh.lagipon kan xbaik tido pas subuh..haha...bau 2-3 kali xtido pas subuh kot dah kecoh =P
bout my love story,no need da detail ok?mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku mengagumi tanpa di cintai.da right sentence to describe bout my love.like dewa song,cintaku bertepuk sebelah tangan.tuh je..jz it hard for me since this is first time i take the first step asking da girl.not the type of me after 3times i'm losing da gurl i crush coz take too long time to ask.tupon setelah dipaksa oleh salah seorang kawan utk cakap terus..hahaha...what a loser i am right?ntahla..for me,no rushing in saying your love right?i prefer to know her heart and personality before i can said "i love u".tuh je..xkan asal jumpa yang lawa n baik skit je,dah cakap saya suka awakla,ble jadi awek saya??tuhla.so,da hunting of love still go on but not agressive as before.right now,looking forward to finish my study.when da love comes,i hope i ready for it.right now,my eyes are on someone.she has what i'm looking for.tapi tuhla.i dont know da detail bout her.kang kalo ada balak ke..xbaik masuk line org.he2..and again its not da type of me to tell everyone bout this.haha..its new me..try to speak out.no more shy.but i don think this time will make out too.ntahla..my gut said so..and her nick also almost da same with da one before(*hint).hehe.k la enuf bout dat...
now we talk bout last saturday event.permintaan bdk2 umah.haha..sibuk je..nk mencapub dalam blog aku ni.me n other 11 persons konvoi to taiping perak,kuala sepetang here we come!!ini semua idea azuan la since dia tgk majalah 3 sebulan yang lepas about kuala sepetang.so dia dah terliuq tgk mee udang yang sedap.yes..its mee udang dat feymes in kuala sepetang.haha.. so after this nak plan g taiping plak.one full day trip.kedai ni since dah masuk tv,ramai gila kot.kitorang ingt kenduri kawen mana ntah kitorg nak g.yela.kete berderet kat tepi jalan macam suasana rumah org kawen je.pastu mmg tunggu lamalah.adala kat setengah jam.so sambil menunggu tu apa lagi,posing la.xdpt nk usha pantai dia sbb hujan lebat.k la.ceritera jalanan diteruskan with da pica...
hasil karya syuk tatkala aku tido (gambo2 yg aku suka jela)
and our maskot of the day
so kalo rajin tu n terasa nk makan mee udang, pegila kuala sepetang.heee...sepetang bersama osmet
salam sang kelana d-_-b
jejomz bwk ktorg lak!!!
bnyk gmba menarik ni..
lets,bw kitorg lak!!
ces..dayah tuh gambar menarik nk mentagei ngan osmet aku la tuh...
next time kita pergi ye..don xpect high...
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